International Church of Cannabis opens in Denver - "Getting High to Meet The Most High"
If you think you've heard it all then prepare to be shocked with this new bit of information - there's a new church in the US that uses cannabis as a spiritual food! Yes, you heard right. The International Church of Cannabis is a new church opened yesterday in Denver, Colorado, United States, that allows the use of cannabis as holy communion to lead you closer to God. The church, which is located at 400 S Logan St, Denver, CO 80209, USA, is supposed to be a real church and is "going to do all the things that churches do", with choir singing, weekly church attendance and communion. Their congregation will be referred to as "Elevationists", a play on words for the euphoric feeling one gets when they smoke the flowering plant. The interior of the church is decorated with murals of purple and gold, bright colours reminiscent of the after feeling people have when they smoke the plant. Yesterday, Elevationsists knelt ...