Aid worker rescues two-year-old Nigerian boy 'accused of being a witch' A heartbreaking series of photographs shows the moment an emaciated two-year-old Nigerian boy, riddled with worms and reportedly abandoned by his family because they thought he was a witch, is given water by an aid worker. He had lived on the streets for eight months, surviving on scraps and whatever he could find, before being discovered by Anja Ringgren Lovén, the Danish founder of the African Children's Aid Education and Development Foundation. The child is carried to safety Photo: Anja Ringgren Lovén/Facebook In the pictures – which went viral online bringing in 1 million Danish Krone (£104,000) from wellwishers - she is seen helping him drink water. She then wrapped the boy in a blanket and took him to the nearest hospital. After two days of care, she wrote that his condition had greatly improved. “He’s taking food for himself, and he responds to the medic...
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