Giant Rat 'Bigger Than A Dog' Near Playground

Giant rat

The enormous dead rodent is spotted by a gas engineer working at a block of flats in north London.

A gas engineer has told how he came across a rat bigger than his dog as he worked at a block of flats.
Tony Smith, 46, spotted the dead rodent in a bush near a children's playground while working close to Hackney Downs in London.
He believes it weighs more than 25lb - and is "about 4ft" long including its tail, although this would easily put it on a par with the largest known rat species in the world.
"This is the largest rat I've ever seen in my entire life," he said.
He took a photograph of his friend James Green, an electrician, holding up the supersize rat to the camera.
Mr Smith added: "I've got a cat and a Jack Russell and it was bigger than both of those."
He said bins are often left open near the estate where he has been working so "these little fellas have a pretty good diet".
Some have cast doubts the rat is as big as it appears in the photo, however.
Giant rat: Hackney Council pest control officer showing how to make object look bigger
They include Hackney Council, which has posted images showing how the eye can be deceived.
One shows a member of staff holding a soft toy close up to the camera and then just in front of his face.
In the first picture the toy looks huge - but in the second, which shows its actual size, it looks quite small.
Referring to the giant rat, the council tweeted: "It's probably not that big. Our pest control team are checking it out though."
Guinness World Records says the world's biggest rat is believed to be the slender-tailed cloud rat found on Luzon, an island in the Philippines, which has a body length of up to 3ft 3in.
According to the British Pest Control Association (BPCA), there are two species of rat in Britain - the common brown rat or the rarer black rat.
Its website says: "The brown rat is the larger of the rats in Britain, often weighing over half a kilo and measuring about 23cm (9in), without counting the tail."
The BPCA's latest figures show there were 196,012 pest control call-outs involving rats in the UK in 2013-14 - a drop of 30% on the previous year.


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